Below are some fun and easy ways to get involved with the Liberty Band. The students need and appreciate your support of their hard work. Click HERE for information on how to volunteer for events in Charms. To learn more: visit the 'Volunteer' section of Charms, or contact the Vice-President of Volunteers at volunteer@libertyhsband.com

  • Chaperones - Chaperones will be with the band for the duration of a game or competition. You will arrive approximately an hour before the buses leave. Chaperones assist the students and directors with any tasks they need. You will make sure the band has what they need, when they need it, including handout out plumes. Chaperones will ride on the buses with the band.

  • “Redhawk Roadies” Crew - These are the movers and shakers! The pit crew loads the trailer with all of the front ensembles and percussion equipment as well as large instruments and props. At games the pit crew unloads the trailer, helps move and take equipment onto the field and take off after the performance and loads it back on the trailer.

  • Concessions - This is one of our biggest money-makers for the band! Concession volunteers are needed for all of our home games. You will arrive early and help set up the stand and get it ready to sell items. You will be serving food and drinks, handling money, restocking inventory, and cleaning the stand after the game. We need approximately 20 concession stand workers, depending on which stadium. Our band make $$$ when we work on the concession stand, so it's a great way to help the band!

  • Meal Servers - The group all of the kids LOVE! On game days you will need to arrive at the LHS cafeteria at 3:30. Contest meal arrival times will vary depending on the competition schedule. Most meals are very easy to serve. Once the kids are done you will help pack and clean up so that we can leave the area as we found it.

  • Special Events Planning - for the banquet, ice cream social, pool party, etc.

  • Fundraising - to help with planning our annual fundraiser

  • Uniform Team - for assisting with uniform fittings and cleanings and making sure all of the kids have their uniform parts

  • Hair Team -

  • Photographer / Videographer -


The Frisco ISD requires all adults who will volunteer on school property or around students on official school activities to clear a background check. The online process looks a little bit like you're applying for a job with the Frisco ISD, but it is simply a volunteer application. Once you've submitted your "application" you will receive an email from the school district confirming that you have passed the background check. This email confirmation can take between 3 days - 3 weeks to receive. Once it arrives, you must forward that email to the current Volunteer & Membership Board Member.

Throughout the year we have been beyond blessed to have a team of parent volunteers working behind the scenes to make sure this band program is ran smoothly and taken care of. We couldn't be more grateful for all they have done to make this year successful.